
历年自考英语二作文及翻译汇总 精选范文整理

于觅晴2023-09-28 16:02:54


历年自考英语二作文及翻译汇总 精选范文整理



一家英文报纸正在举办一个活动,题为“My Favorite Job”论文征集活动。请写一篇关于这个主题的英文论文来申请。内容包括以下两个方面:




My Favorite Job

I want to be a teacher because I think they are great. If I become a teacher,I will work hard to teach my students. I will work with the children. I love children very much,so I will be happy every day. I will also be able to work outside sometimes. but I will work hard every day,sometimes I will be tired. I can also get more experience from my job. I think I will be a good teacher




work hard努力工作

work with移动

very much非常;真的

every day日常的

be able to可以做到…的; 能…的,能够…的

be tired疲劳的; 无聊的

experience from从……经验


一家英文报纸正在举办一个名为““E-books or Paper Books?”论文征集活动。请写一篇关于这个主题的英文论文来申请。


• 您更喜欢电子书还是纸质书

• 是什么原因?

With the development of the Internet, e-books become popular. Paper books and e-books both have their own advantages.

As far as paper books are concerned, the advantages lie in the enjoyment that “real reading” bring us, which means not only can we make notes in the real books, but also we can preserve them as long as possible.

When it comes to e-books, it seems that they are more fashionable. Among all the advantages of e-books, convenience plays the most important role. A large amount of information that can be updated fast is contained in a small-sized machine where there are other funtions like music players, calculator, clock and so on.

In the eyes of me, though e-books are attractive, I prefer to paper books. They can calm me down, and keep track of my real feelings. Furthermore, they don’t have any radiation!






make notes做笔记;记录

as long as要是

it seems that似乎; 它似乎; 喜欢

most important重要的; 有重大影响; 很有价值; 很有影响力; 权威性; important最高级的

A large amount of很多

there are有; 可数名词的复数形式; 有很多重要的事情要谈

and so on等等;ETC

In the eyes of存在…心里,存在…它似乎,从…它似乎


0 同意 · 0 评论文章


一家英文报纸正在举办一个名为““My Hobby”论文征集活动。请写一篇关于这个主题的英文论文来申请。内容包括以下两个方面:

• 你有什么爱好?

• 你为什么有这个爱好?

I have many hobbies, but today I would like to share one of my hobbies with all of you.

I like raising fish. One of my most important thing is feeding fish. Every morning I usually go feeding my fish after I get up. I cannot feed too much or too little so fish won't be uncomfortable. Another important thing is to change the water for fish. I usually change the water once a week so that they will not get sick. And I usually use the dirty water to water my plants because I can save water. It is good to our environment. Sometimes my fish jumps out of the fish tank, so I have to use a net to catch them!

That is my hobby-- raising fish. It brings me much happiness. For example, my only koi fish, Susie, is my lucky fish. It has accompanied me for near four years! I love my raising fish. How about your hobby? Can you tell me yours?





would like to会很高兴

with all虽然

most important重要的; 有重大影响; 很有价值; 很有影响力; 权威性; important最高级的

too much过多的too little太少了

once a week一个星期一次; 一个星期一次; 每周一次

will not会议; 想; 总是; 经常; 谈论未来; 用于烦扰别人做某事时; 命令时使用; 将要; 愿意; 将要;


一家英文报纸正在举办一个名为““I Like Playing Sports”论文征集活动。请写一篇关于这个主题的英文论文来申请。内容包括以下两个方面:

• 你经常做哪些运动?

• 运动对你有什么好处?

I Like Playing Sports There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy,such as swimming,running, and dancing. However, the sport that I like most is basketball. I can't play it very well, but I still show great interest in it. 

I like playing sports, because playing sports is really a good thing.Firstly, it helps me keep healthy. Exercise is one of the most active and effective means to enhance the physical health. Secondly, playing sports is a good way to relax. When you are upset, sports may pull you out from depression. Finally, it's easier to make friends while you take part in sport activities, because you have the same interest. It's important for making friends. All in all, I get a lot from sports.



Playing表现,风格; 玩; 玩; 游戏; 玩得开心; play的现在分词

kinds相似的人; 类型; kind复数的

swimming游泳; 游泳; 游泳; 旅游; 游泳; swim的现在分词

running跑步; 跑步; 管理; 操纵; 操作; 走私; 走私; run的现在分词

dancing舞蹈; 舞蹈; 跳…舞蹈; 跳; 兴奋的; 轻快地移动; dance的现在分词basketball篮球; 篮球


helps帮助; 协助; 协助; 改善情况; 推动; 迅速的; help第三人称单数

healthy健康; 强; 有利于健康; 体现健康

Exercise活动,锻炼,运动的; 一组动作,培训活动; 锻炼; 实践; 锻炼; 使用; 使用;


假设你打电话Li Ke, 你的美国朋友Mike去你的家乡旅行,请给他写一封电子邮件,告诉他:

• 最近的天气状况

• 注意事项

• 你期待见到他

Dear Mike

I'm very glad to learn that you're going to visit my hometown. My parents will also be happy to see you. I am sure you will enjoy every minute here .

The weather here is warm and sunny, so you neednt take many clothes. A coat will be OK. But you may want to bring a camera. There are lots of beautiful and historic places in my hometown, so you may want to take photos. Besides, if you are interested in climbing mountains, please remember to bring sportswear and sneakers.

I'm looking forward to your visit! Best Regards !

Yours Sincerely

Li Ke







There are 有 ; 可数名词的复数形式 ; 有很多重要的事情要谈

want to take 欲望

interested in 感兴趣的 ; 尽你所能 ; 关心 ; 正确的…专注于

looking forward to 希望

Best Regards 最良好的问候


一份英文报纸正在举办一个会议,题为”Fight against Haze (烟雾)”论文征集活动。请写一篇关于这个主题的英文论文来申请,内容包括:

• 雾霾会带来哪些危害

• 我们可以采取什么措施

• 你期待见到他

In recent years, much more attention than ever before has been paid to the air pollution – haze. When haze weather comes, the whole city is covered with suspended particles which can be breathed into our body. For one thing, this can cause heavy health problems. For another, it can also bring the traffic problems because of the poor visibility conditions.

Due to the bad effects from pollution haze, a green and clear environment, rather than anything else, turns to be an important role and an urgent issue in our daily lives. Thus, we should take effective measures to rebuild our beautiful environment of the cities from now on. On one side, laws and regulations should be enforced by the government and authorities to control the emission of polluting gas. On the other side, we should enhance the awareness of environment protection and choose a green lifestyle to make contribution to our earth.

To be concluded, if we work together to be able to do such measures, our environment will getting better and better.






air pollution 空气污染;空气污染

anything else 还要别的吗 ; 使用你所有的技巧 ; 其他的东西

laws and regulations 法规;法律法规


一家英文报纸正在举办一个名为““Watching Movies at Home or in a Cinema?”论文征集活动。请写一篇关于这个主题的英文论文来申请,内容包括:

• 你更喜欢在家看电影还是去电影院看电影

• 是什么原因

With the rapid development of technique, there are many ways for people to watch movies. Some people choose to watch movie in cinema, some choose to watch at home. Different people have different choices. As for me, I prefer to watch movie in cinema, because there are so many benefits.

Firstly, watching movie in cinema makes people feel comfortable. Especially when you finish your all day work, it’s a perfect choice to watch movie in cinema. As we all know, cinema is a huge space, people can relax in theater. Also, you can focus on movie because the screen is enough huge and the sound is enough clear. What’s more, theater is always clean, it make people feel like watching movies at home.

Secondly, theater is a good choice for couples. Most young people like to go to theater to watch movies, because they think it’s better to cultivate relationship in big theater. The atmosphere of the cinema is more suitable for lovers. People's state of mind will change with the ups and downs of film. So, most young people will choose to watch love story in cinema.

Thirdly, it’s very easy to get a ticket. We don’t need to waste much time for waiting in line. Nowadays, we have many ways to buy cinema tickets. The most typical way is to buy on the internet. Everything can be completed on the computer; all we need to do is to click the mouse. Science and technology make our life become very convenient. Besides, a movie ticket is not expensive, many people are affordable. Sacrifice a little money to buy comfortable experience, why not does it? The fast pace of life need to unzip the agent, and the cinema is good way to relax.

In conclusion, there’re so many benefits when we choose to go to the theater to watch movies. In today, life is wonderful, so we should find a more funny way to live. Let our life full of fun.



第一的,在电影院看电影让你感觉很舒服。尤其是当你完成一整天的工作后,去电影院看电影无疑是一个完美的选择。我们都知道,电影院是一个巨大的空间, 人们可以完全放松自己的地方。相同的,在电影院里你可以专注于电影,因为屏幕足够大,声音够清晰。更重要的是,影院环境干净整洁,让您有宾至如归的感觉。



简而言之, 选择去电影院看电影有很多好处。今天的生活很美好,所以我们应该寻找更有趣的生活方式。让我们的生活充满乐趣。


prefer to 更喜欢 ; 更乐于:

so many 很多 ; 很多 ; 和…尽可能多 ; 全部

all day 一整天;天天

focus on 专注于,专注于

feel like 感觉像……;有……一种感觉 ; 想要……



• 你做了什么志愿者工作

• 您认为成为一名志愿者意味着什么



Dear Tom,

How is everything? I am very excited to tell you that I worked as a volunteer this holiday. I have been to the nursing home in my city to help the old people there. I helped to wash clothes, do the housework, read for them and chat with them. I could see their happiness from their face when I was doing these things.

From this experience, I realize that doing voluntary work is really meaningful. First, it’s really great that life of those in need can be a little easier with the help of volunteers. Besides, doing such work makes our own life more colorful and meaningful too. And, I think more people will be influenced to help others if there are more volunteer workers.

How do you think of it? I am looking forward to receiving your reply.


Li Ke








nursing home 小型私人疗养院 ; 私人疗养院

old people 老年

wash clothes 洗衣服

chat with 与某人聊天某事

voluntary work 志愿工作

with the help of 在...的帮助下,使用

help others 善待他人;帮助别人



51.一家英文报纸正在举办一个名为““Exercise Every Day”论文征集活动,请写一篇关于这个主题的英文论文来申请,内容包括:

• 坚持锻炼有什么好处

• 你能坚持每天锻炼吗

Exercise Every Day

Nowadays, having sports is becoming more and more popular. As we know, a person who keeps on taking exercises regularly will keep fit and live a happy life .

My favorite sports is playing basketball. After school I usually spend half an hour on it, which not only builds up my body but also makes me refreshed. Playing basketball helps me relax after a period of exhausting study and improves my study efficiency .

Besides, through the game, I have learned the spirit of teamwork. It is also a good way for me to make new friends. In short, playing basketball enriches my life and makes me more confident.

Come on! Let's do sports together and enjoy a healthy life!








more and more 越来越多

After school 放学后

half an hour 半小时 ; a half hour 半小时

but also 和

In short 简而言之;简而言之

confident 自信的 ; 自信的 ; 确实 ; 深信不疑 ; 自信的 ;



• 活动主题:为了Lucy做寿

• 时间、地方

• 问Tom你能参加吗

请Li Ke签名


Dear Tom,

I am writing this email to invite you to take part in Lucy’s birthday party.

The day of October 20th will be Lucy’s l8th birthday. We’re going to hold a party in Lucy’s house this Saturday evening. Many of our good friends and classmates are coming. We will have a big dinner together. After that we will sing, dance and play games. The party will last for three hours, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. I really hope you can come and join us. Our friends and classmates will be very happy to have you with us. I'm sure we will have a lot of fun together.

Please let me know whether you could come or not. I'm looking forward to your early reply.

Best wishes,

Li Ke









take part in 加入 ; 参加

birthday party 生日聚会

After that 然后

play games 玩游戏 ; 玩游戏 ; 制造麻烦

last for 继续,维持

a lot of 许多

look forward to 希望,预计


一家英文报纸正在举办一个名为““Let's Save Water”论文征集活动。请就以下几点写一篇英文短文来申请。

·为什么要节约用水 ·我们应该如何节约用水


Some people think there's much water on the http://earth.In fact,there is only a little water for us to use now.If we don't save it,it will surely be used out some day.

Then what should we do?First,when we finish washing the clothes,we can use the water to clean the floor.Second,if we see the dripping tap,we ought to fix the tap as soon as possible.Third,we can have a shower instead of a bath because having a bath can waste a lot of water.

In these ways,we can save not only huge amounts of water but also ourselves! Water is very important in our life. We drink it every day and use it to cook and wash things. We can not live without water. But how can we save water? There are several ways to save water. Firstly, take shorter showers and don’t leave the tap running when we don’t need to use water. Secondly, Try to reuse water . It’s the most important way for us to save water. At last, We should not pollute water so that we willl have fresh water for years and years. If we do not save water, the last drop of water will be a teardrop. To protect water is to protect our life.






only a little 只有一点 some day 一天 ; 一天 ; 未来

ought to 应该 ; 应该 as soon as possible 尽快

instead of 代替 ; 作为…替代品 but also 和


一家英文报纸正在举办一个名为““ Live a Healthy Life”论文征集活动。请写一篇关于这个主题的英文论文来申请,内容包括:




Many people dream to live a healthy life. But sometimes they do not have a full understanding of healthy life. In my mind, a healthy life includes physical and mental health. People need to have a healthy diet and regular exercise to make our physical more and more healthy. At the same time, people have to remember that mental health is also very important. People need to find ways to relax themselves and keep a good mood every day. At least do not be depressed for a long time. People can have a healthy life only when they keep a good health between physical and mental.




more and more 越来越多

At the same time 同时 ; 然而;但

mental health 精神健康;精神健康

for a long time 很久 ; 长的

good health 身体健康


一家英文报纸正在举办一个名为““ Green Transportation”论文征集活动,请根据以下写作要点提交一篇英语论文。





Green travel,especially public transport,makes a positive contribution to the environment and society.On one hand,public transport has the potential to reduce transport CO₂ emissions,which is a major contributor to local air pollution and http://smog.In this sense,green travel makes the environment clean and gives people a healthy living environment.On the other hand,public transport plays an important role in reducing the social costs of transport include traffic jam and time taken away from the family while commuting and vulnerability to fuel price increases.

We have only one world we can live in.I hope through green travel can we protect the enviroment and save http://resources.In my opinion,no matter where we go,we are supposed to choose green travel.If you are near to the place which you go to,you can go there on foot or by http://bicycle.In this way can we protect our environmen and keep fit.If you are far away from it,you can choose going there by bus or by taxi with your friends.





public transport 公共交通 ; 巴士车辆

air pollution 空气污染;空气污染

traffic jam 交通阻塞 ; 交通阻塞

away from 离开

only one 仅有的 ; 只有一个 ; 独特的

no matter 别在意,没关系 ; 尽管,无论

supposed to 应该


一家英文报纸正在举办一个名为““Spring Is Coming'论文征集活动,请根据以下写作要点提交一篇英语论文。




Spring is coming. What a nice season!

The weather is getting warmer and warmer. The flowers are coming out. How beautiful the world is! Look around, the sky is blue and the leaves on the trees are turning green. The sun is shining brightly and the air is so fresh, now everyone takes off his warm coat and is more active than before. We all have good feelings. I must say, be careful not to catch cold again.

A good beginning is half done and it’s the first season in the year. We must make the best use of our time and catch every second to work and study. Do you think so?






more active 忙碌的,积极的 ; 积极的 ; 定期进行 ; 有效的 ; active对比表

be careful 小心 ; 当心 ; 注意

catch cold 变冷

season 季节

